15 June 2009

Gear List for Backpacking in the Summer

As a public service to those who are relatively new to hiking, I have just published a free e-book in which I describe the gear I use for backpacking in the summer. The title is An Annotated Gear List for Backpacking.

I have an interesting mix of feelings in making this list available to the public. On the one hand, I am proud of the knowledge and experience that went into the honing of my gear list over time. And, as a teacher, I want to share it with those looking for the information. On the other hand, the contents in a person's pack are, well, personal.

So, why publish it? Because I empathize with new hikers trying to get over the gear hurdle so they can experience the joy and freedom of backpacking. Hiking is such an individual sport that there isn't one best way to do things and there isn't one best collection of gear to carry. So, how do you decide what is best for you?

You can search the internet and find a number of backpacking gear lists. But, most are generic, so you still have to figure out how to customize the list to you, to the trail you are hiking, and to the season when you are going.

You can search the printed literature, and find many books and magazines that will teach you about all the possible gear choices. But that can be overwhelming and still leaves the new hiker figuring out which choice is best for them and their hike.

I publish my list as a complement to these other sources. You can see how mine diverges from the generic lists, where I make choices specific to me and to hiking in the summer at lower elevations. And, you can see which of the range of gear possibilities I have chosen, and why. (If I don't give enough of the "why" for your needs, just ask me, either by leaving a comment on this blog post, or by sending email.)

Of course, my list represents just one person's choices. I think it would be really useful if there were a repository where experienced hikers could post their lists and new hikers could browse or search across lists. Maybe this exists somewhere and I just haven't found it; if you know of such a place, please let me know!

You can get a copy of my e-book by joining the mailing list at the Peace Journeys website.

Happy trails!


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